Extending Bootstrap 5 Utitlies

Jan 3, 2021 • Ben Sochar

Bootstrap 5 builds on 4’s utilties but now you can easily add your own.

Create a new file called _bootstrap_extended.scss & add the required Bootstrap imports:

# import the required files
@import 'bootstrap/scss/functions';
@import 'bootstrap/scss/variables'; # This should be your localized varibles file.
@import 'bootstrap/scss/utilities';

$utilities: map-merge(
    # styles go here

Here’s what we can do with them. Let’s add a way to change our background positions:

# import the required files
@import 'bootstrap/scss/functions';
@import 'bootstrap/scss/variables'; # This should be your localized varibles file.
@import 'bootstrap/scss/utilities';

$utilities: map-merge(
    'bg-position': (
      property: background-position, # the CSS property
      class: bg-position, # the class name we use in HTML
      responsive: true,
      values: (
        'top': top,
        'end': right,
        'bottom': bottom,
        'start': left,
        'center': center,
        'inherit': inherit

Now we can use bg-position-center to center a background image. And since we added responsive: true we can align the image to the left on large screens by using the class bg-position-lg-start.

If want to change it so it only works on hover we can use the state option:

# import the required files
@import 'bootstrap/scss/functions';
@import 'bootstrap/scss/variables'; # This should be your localized varibles file.
@import 'bootstrap/scss/utilities';

$utilities: map-merge(
    'bg-position': (
      property: background-position, # the CSS property
      class: bg-position, # the class name we use in HTML
      state: hover,
      values: (
        'top': top,
        'end': right,
        'bottom': bottom,
        'start': left,
        'center': center,
        'inherit': inherit

So if we add bg-position-center-hover to an element the image will only center on hover.

Bootstrap & CSS