Ellevate - Ellevate

Ellevate is a professional netowork for women. Primarliy an events platform, it has many other features. Part social network, part CMS, localized Chapters, a B2B side & several levels of access based on roles. This required a custom admin, payemnts as subscription, point of sale & lots of ways to communicate with members.

6 Years leading development is alot to cover. So…

  • Performance. I inherited an old app that would regularly timeout & sometimes crash. I implimented several things:
    • Sidekiq to offload long-running tasks to background jobs.
    • Redis caching.
    • Vue components to pull in content on pages with lots of associations.
    • Scout APM to find slow endpoints.
    • Eliminating n+1 queries.
    • PurgeCSS & Critical CSS setup in Webpack.
    • Chunking Vue components so they load remotely.
  • Managment. Leading a team required some changes.
    • Rubocop and AirBnB styleguide.
    • Webpack to build a modern from end.
    • Migrating from a custom CSS framework to Bootstrap.
    • Codeship for our CI.
  • Just a few new Features.
    • Squads. Uses an algorithm to put users into groups based on their chosen date/time, career stage, goals & location (either by chapter or lat/lon).
    • Real time messeaging system.
    • Free trial - we migrated away from an application process.
    • Reverse trial. A free trail with a payemnt required up front.
    • Seemless signup/upgrade flows written in Vue so they can exsist in a modal.

Technical Lead
Active Storage, Airbrake, Angular, Bootstrap, CI, Clockwork, Codeship, DateFNS, FactoryBot, Faker, Fastly, Geocoder, Git, Github, Google Analytics, Google Geocoding API, Google Places API, Google Search Console, Google Sign In, Heroku, Hirefire, JavaScript, Paperclip, PostgreSQL, Puma, RVM, RackAttack, Rails Autoscale. Papertraill, ReCaptcha, Redis, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, SASS, Scout APM, Sendgrid APIs, Sidekiq, SimpleForm, Stripe Elements, Stripe REST API, Trello, Vimeo API, Vue, Webpack, Zoom API, erb, & rspec
Event filtering
Event filtering
Group chat
Group chat
Internal analytics dashboard for admins
Internal analytics dashboard for admins
Podcast feed
Podcast feed
Serailized data for email creation
Serailized data for email creation
Sign in with google prompt
Sign in with google prompt