Extending Bootstrap 5 Utitlies

Jan 3, 2023 • Ben Sochar

Bootstrap 5 builds on 4’s utilties - in a way it’s getting closer to Tailwind. With the new utilties API, you can easily add your own or override default ones. This gives you a lot more flexibility & customization while keeping with the pattern of Bootstrap.

It’s also a great way to reuse code accross projects.

Create a new file called

& add the required Bootstrap imports:

# import the required files
@import 'bootstrap/scss/functions';
@import 'bootstrap/scss/variables'; # This should be your localized varibles file.
@import 'bootstrap/scss/utilities';

$utilities: map-merge(
    # styles go here

Let’s add a way to change our background positions. I want to stay with the language that Bootstrap uses around left to right/right to left. So I’m going to use start instead of left & end instead of right.

$utilities: map-merge(
    'bg-position': (
      property: background-position, # the CSS property
      class: bg-position, # the class name we use in HTML
      responsive: true,
      values: (
        'top': top,
        'end': right,
        'bottom': bottom,
        'start': left,
        'center': center,
        'inherit': inherit

Now we can use

to center a background image. And since we added
responsive: true
we can align the image to the left on large screens by using the class

Using State for interactive styles

If want to change it so it only works on hover we can use the


$utilities: map-merge(
    'bg-position': (
      property: background-position, # the CSS property
      class: bg-position, # the class name we use in HTML
      state: hover,
      values: (
        'top': top,
        'end': right,
        'bottom': bottom,
        'start': left,
        'center': center,
        'inherit': inherit

So if we add

to an element the image will only center on hover.

Reusing Styles

Since these utilites merge into previous ones we can add some styles that would help on other projects. I think these scroll utilites are useful:

$utilities: map-merge(
    "overflow-x": (
      property: overflow-x,
      responsive: true,
      values: auto hidden visible scroll,
    "overflow-y": (
      property: overflow-y,
      responsive: true,
      values: auto hidden visible scroll,
    "scroll-behavior": (
      property: scroll-behavior,
      class: scroll-behavior,
      responsive: true,
      values: (
        'auto': auto,
        'smooth': smooth
    "scroll-snap-align": (
      property: scroll-snap-align,
      class: scroll-snap-align,
      responsive: true,
      values: (
        'none': none,
        'start': start,
        'both': start end,
        'center': center,
        'end': end
    "scroll-snap-type": (
      property: scroll-snap-type,
      class: scroll-snap-type,
      responsive: true,
      values: (
        'none': none,
        'x': x proximity,
        'y': y proximity,
        'block': block,
        'inline': inline,
        'both': both

As long as we use Bootstrap’s varibles we can reuse these utilties on other projects in the future. Here I’ve added some styles to set dimensions of elements baased on the


$utilities: map-merge(
    "min-height": (
      property: min-height,
      class: mnh,
      values: map-merge($position-values, 
        auto: auto,
        none: none,
    "height": (
      property: height,
      class: h,
      values: map-merge($position-values, 
        (auto: auto)
    "max-height": (
      property: max-height,
      class: mxh,
      values: map-merge($position-values, 
        (none: none)
    "min-width": (
      property: min-width,
      class: mnw,
      values: map-merge($position-values, 
        auto: auto,
        none: none,
    "width": (
      property: width,
      class: w,
      values: map-merge($position-values, (auto: auto))
    "max-width": (
      property: max-width,
      class: mxw,
      responsive: true,
      values: map-merge($position-values, 
        (none: none)

Bootstrap, CSS, & SASS